Three days travel on the Herbert brought me to Linz. I had a stopover at Obermuhl, a truly beautiful village at the confluence of a small river that comes down through the Austrian mountains to join the Danube. The small marina, centre of the tiny village is surrounded by wooded hills cut by the Danube as it twists its way through the rock formations forming loops than almost form islands. The village is located at the end of the most famous loop called Schlogener Schlinge.
There is a quay where the Herbert was able to tie up and spend the night. I organised the delivery of the motorhome as set about organising my evening. I spoke to the owners of the hotel and bar, explained what I was doing by showing the website. They saw photos of me playing guitar and invited me to play a few songs on the terrace. During the evening I joined a group of bikers who were saying at the hotel. The evening ended in a cloud of schnapps.